
Saturday, 29 January 2011

The Working Week

So this weekend I have been doing doubles at work (day and night). Safe to say that right about now I'm pretty tired. But this does mean that I will have some spare cash at the end of it all. Winner :)

My friggin phone is BACK! this made me so happy I wet myself a little. Now I can live the life of geek heaven. Here is a taster of how I intend to do that.

yea that's right twin 23" monitors with one that hooks up to the X-box. I feel like a pro.
I had always been into computers but never would have bothered getting this much tech unless I was doing the course that I am with the people I study with.

even though my main pc is pretty decent (its a home built games machine) my favourite piece of kit is my samsung netbook.
This thing is SO GOOD at being a small laptop.

Many assignments have been finished on this thing on the train. It has a great battery life and I upgraded it with a 2 gig memory chip so that it had more room to work. This really increases performance on Facebook games and multitasking.

The next best thing would be my daemon phone of tablet goodness

And that's pretty much my personal set-up.

hope you guys liked my insight into myself and my life, I need to go to bed now so I can go back to work.

The rat race awaits.


Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Peanut butter and mayonnaise

Hey everyone.
So its been like a week or something since I last updated.

I had a whole week off work, it was AMAZING. I went over to Fareham to see my friend jack from uni and then managed to go to town on Thursday with a bunch of friends from back here at home :) then on Friday Jack came over here to Bournemouth where him me and BringAmberLamps playing some laggy games of League of Legends.

Coming Of Age new season!!!
personally I really enjoyed the first two seasons of this so I am pretty exited about the new one.

We went to go see the green hornet on Sunday and that was pretty dam good. Seth Rogan is always funny and he is in a film with some Jackie Chan looking guy who does marshal arts.

check it out!

Also went to see Tron legacy the week before with some mates from uni I thought it had a pretty good story line and the characters looked frikin awesome!


Monday, 10 January 2011



wow why am I so exited about that??
I guess its because in our own ways we all just want to feel important. But hey I got 100 views!

I learned what a blog was for! It turns out it stands for weB - Log which is cool because that's what I use it for, logging stuff that I find cool or even mildly interesting.
To read more about the knowledgeable northerner that told me this follow this link.

And so something that I thought was cool is.......
I fixed a 360!
Apparently one of the reasons it can red ring to 3 is that the graphics chip has come unsoldered. So you have to make it overheat to solder itself back. That is a little bit worrying to do but seeing as it was already broke I thought its only going to not work after. Turns out it worked and I got myself a cheap 360 :)

now to get some games?
Also it only has a 20 gig HDD so I might look at replacing that.

oh and btw. my gamertag is ant290.

Work was good this weekend, I cleaned out the dry stores which was fun and I ended up covered in flour from all the half opened / half full stock.

I guess this is going to be a short one as I don't have any ideas for links or pictures / videos to show you guys so sorry about that (maybe next time).


Wednesday, 5 January 2011


So I finally made xampp work. Which is awesome because now I can start working on proper php development from home instead of having to be at uni to test it. The website I am creating out of uni is beginning to look more user friendly and soon will have some proper functionality.
When i get round to it I will be creating a flip book in HTML5 to be added to one of the pages. It will hold a set of images so that users can check out the B&B facilities in a good looking environment.

Back to uni!
So far it is going OK. tonight is the latest I have stayed up but oh well. I am kind of trying to test a friends website, creating an account was easy and hassle free. I have a few opinions on the site which
I will discuss with them.
I have 4 hand ins next week which is making me a little worried but I have finished one of them and am well on my way to getting the Web development one done.

Quality content!
So loads of my friends just cant get why I spend so much of my time on Youtube. Well the answer is so i can watch things like this.
YEA! score one to Youtube.

So I lost my old hat... which made me sad. No more peaked animal hat :(
But I did go out and buy a new one, it looks like this.
Its pretty plain but still has a peak. I think its just going to be a hat to wear whilst I look for a better one.

I am also REALLY into pyjama bottoms at the moment. So I have cookie monster, ghost busters and toy story ones.. maybe more in the near future.