
Monday, 21 November 2011

Life updates

Sooooo, its been a while again and I'm not sure if I can do enough exiting things to keep writing this but I am willing to give it another try, for the good of anyone who reads my blog!

What's been going on then?!

Well I guess I should cover the summer first, seeing as it was just before the end of uni that I posted.
The end of term came and went without any real problems and I passed every unit last year so that was great!

Over the summer I changed a few things in my life, firstly I got a proper job, y'know one of those 9-5's with a lunch break and a desk. I started to work for a small sound and lighting company called Future Media. and to begin with it was merely answering the phone and making small box sales. Then the MD found out I do computing and got me to work on a database that logs the hours employees have spent doing different jobs (the company had recently gone from doing small jobs that might take a week or two to doing full school and church outfitting which took several weeks or even months).

Pretty much as soon as I started the job I got a fairly decent camera, safe to say that since I bought it were pretty much inseparable. anyone has a party and the camera comes too, any trips I go on, any small events, you name it. One of those things was Campaign Cup 2011 and here is a snap from it.

I got a new bike too, she's a beauty.

I spent a huge amount of time over the summer both on the bike and at body combat classes which has bought me to a physical appearance that I am fairly happy with. The return to uni has pretty much ruined my motivation for working out and so I am just doing 3 classes a week (2 body combat and 1 spinning) all of which are an hour long.

So lets get right up to date!

Me and a close friend Jack have started a web design company, between us we do graphic design and dynamic websites which is a lot of learning for both of us but it is giving us a good knowledge of what we can and can't do. we are P&Bwebsolutions and you can tweet us @pbwebsolutions.. we have no followers at the time of writing *cry*.

Oh yea. before I forget I passed my driving test.. so that's all go now and this is my ride.


bless your face, if you sneezed during this blog bless you. Toby out (and by Toby i mean me.. and no i dont expect anyone to get the reference).